VirtualDub/VirtualDubMod: Combines .avi segments and modifies video/audio
VirtualDub        Click here for VirtualDub Mod
1. Launch VirtualDub.
2. Click “File” then “Open Video File”.
3. Browse for your movie and click the first segment. Click open.
4. IF you receive the following error message, close VirtualDub and launch VirtualDubMod (instructions below).
“AVI: Variable bitrate (VBR) audio detected. VBR audio in AVI is non-standard and you may encounter sync errors up to "XX"ms when attempting to extract WAV files or processing the audio in Direct Stream Copy mode. Full Processing mode is recommended to decompress or recompress the audio" otherwise proceed to step 5.
5. Click “Video” then “Direct Stream Copy”.
6. Click “File” then “Append Video Segment”.
7. Choose the second video segment (Be very careful to put these in the correct order. They will play in the order you post them).
8. Repeat as needed to combine additional segments.
9. Click “File” then “Save as AVI”.
10. Choose a location to save your movie.
11. Name your movie.
12. Click “Save” The conversion will start.
13. Unchecking “Show Video Input” and “Show Video Output” will increase the processing speed.
1. Launch VirtualDubMod.
2. Click “File” then “Open Video File”.
3. Browse for your movie and click the first segment.
4. If it asks, "do you want to rewrite the header" say NO.
5. Click “Video”, then “Direct Stream Copy”.
6. Click “File”, then “Append Segment”.
7. Choose the second video segment (Be very careful to put these in the correct order. They will play in the order you post them).
8. Repeat as needed to combine multiple segments.
9. Click “File” then “Save as”.
10. Choose a location to save your movie.
11. Name your movie.
12. Click “Save” The conversion will start.
13. Unchecking “Show Video Input” and “Show Video Output” will increase the processing speed .
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